Tummy Tuck

How to Set Up Your Home for Your Tummy Tuck Recovery

Woman shaking out green bed spread to make the bed.

Getting a tummy tuck, whether on its own or as part of a mommy makeover, can be incredibly rewarding. As you start to prepare for your procedure, there are a few easy steps you can take to help make your recovery go smoothly and enhance your final results.

One important step is to set up your home to make the process easier on you. Here are some simple tummy tuck prep tips for getting your home recovery-ready.

Jump into Meal Prep

Eating healthy, nutritious meals after your tummy tuck can help your body heal more efficiently.

You won’t want to have to worry about grocery shopping and cooking elaborate meals as you recover from your tummy tuck. Look into healthy items that require little to no cooking and will last for at least a few weeks, ensuring they stay fresh while you are less mobile. You can also prep large batches of healthy meals in advance and then pop them in the freezer, allowing you to just microwave them or put them in the oven as needed.

If you have children, prep for them as well. If they’re old enough to do things like assemble a sandwich, you can make a lunch prep station in your fridge so they can get themselves together and off to school easily. For sides, buy some pre-packaged healthy snacks that they can easily grab and go.

Arrange for Pet Care

If you have pets, caring for them can be a struggle during those first days or weeks after surgery. This is particularly true if you have dogs, as you will need help walking them. As for around-the-house pet chores, you can make giving them food and water easier by moving the pet bowls to a location that you can easily access, placing the food higher so it’s easier to reach and getting risers for their dishes—that way there is less bending to do. As for cleaning litter boxes, if you can switch to a self-cleaning box, that is great. Otherwise, assign that chore to someone else for a bit.

Also, if you have an animal that likes to jump up on you, consider using a gate to keep them out of your recovery area until you are healed.

Set Up Your Recovery Space

One of the most important things to do before a tummy tuck is get your recovery space ready. This means thinking about comfort, ease of access to the things you need and entertainment to get you through those days spent in bed.

Start by thinking about the items you want easy access to at all times: chargers, remotes, tissues, lip balm, laptop, medications, etc. Then, plan where they can be placed so you twist and move as little as possible. Some options include tying a medicine bag to the headboard and running chargers underneath it rather than having everything on a nightstand.

Next, consider your comfort. During tummy tuck recovery, you might want lots of pillows of varying types, making it easier to get into a comfortable position. You also might experience temperature changes, so think about fans and blankets.

Finally, consider how easy it is to get in and out of bed on your own. If your bed sits very high, you might need to have it lowered for the recovery period. If this is not an option, you can look into having steps made that make it easier on you.

Set Up a Recovery Wardrobe

Right after surgery, your abdomen will be very tender, and restrictive clothing won’t be ideal. Get ready for this by creating a post-tummy-tuck wardrobe. Stick to clothing that isn’t tight over your stomach and that you can get on and off when using the bathroom without much effort.

Remember, you need to take it easy directly after surgery, and anything you can do to promote rest and healing will help to speed up your tummy tuck recovery. So, take a little time to prep. It pays off in the end.


How to Set Up Your Home for Your Tummy Tuck Recovery
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How to Set Up Your Home for Your Tummy Tuck Recovery
Dr. Francesco Campanile of Campanile Tummy Tuck in Denver, Colorado goes over some simple tummy tuck prep tips to help you gear up for your procedure.
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