There’s a lot of preparation that can be done on the patient’s end before getting breast implants. At my Los Angeles practice, I advise all my patients to take a few extra steps on the last day before their surgery in order to help everything run more smoothly.
Finalize All Arrangements
If you need to line up child care, get help around the house or reschedule any work obligations, this is the day to make sure everything is in place and ready to go. After your surgery, you’ll need time to rest and recover, not worry about if things are being taken care of. Take advantage of your last day before surgery to make sure everything’s in order.
Personal Care
Avoid shaving anywhere on your body for 48 hours prior to your procedure. Bacteria have been shown to get inside small shaving nicks which can then cause infections. Although exercising is great, you should avoid vigorous exercise on the day prior to your breast augmentation. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything (even water) after bedtime the night before your procedure. Go ahead and shower, but skip any lotions, creams or makeup, even including deodorant. Avoid applying anything on your skin that has the potential to get into an open incision.
Take a Deep Breath
Finally, make time to relax. This is a very exciting time for you, and it’s normal to feel nervous and keyed up, but try to stay as calm as possible. Just remember that at my practice in Los Angeles, breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures, and many women before you have achieved very satisfying results.
Dr. David Sayah is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in natural plastic surgery results. His practice is devoted to providing excellent care using innovative techniques in plastic surgery such as endoscopic breast augmentation, state of the art lasers and minimally invasive facelifts. He believes that a healthy lifestyle involves diet, exercise, and preventive medicine including skincare measures. This multidisciplinary approach involves in-house internal medicine physician, nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and lifestyle coach who together with Dr. Sayah develop total beauty and health in his patients.